Writing Your Profile
Advices http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
Writing your online profile on a dating site is kind of like writing a resume.
You have to keep in mind that you are not writing the profile for yourself, you are writing the profile to be viewed by a prospective friend/suitor.
A lot of people tend to be very vain in this respect, and that is something that needs to be taken out of the equation quickly, if you ever hope to nurture a lasting relationship in cyber space.
There are people out there just like you, who are looking for the same things in life as you are, you just have to bide your time and keep trying.
When typing on your keyboard, you are actually anonymous; you can write anything you want to about yourself, thinking that no one will know the difference. This isn’t exactly so. There are dozens of ways people can get information about you these days. Being untruthful about yourself in cyber space can, and will, come back to haunt you.
Don’t lie about smoking and drinking, or your present living arrangements. Above all, don’t lie about your size or body style, which is where most people make their mistakes. If you are BBW, then that is what and who you are, say so, there is no need to be ashamed of not being built like a model.
It makes no difference whether you are male or female, there is someone out there just like you that you can have a great relationship with.
If you are unsure about what you are looking for in life, then say so, there are lots of us in that boat. The main thing with a profile is to be genuine and tell it like it is.
Another good point to remember is to be brief with your profile. Long drawn out profiles tend to bore people and usually end up confusing the reader at some point. Don’t act overconfident about yourself. As an example; if you feel that you have to write something about yourself, don’t say that you “are” outgoing or reliable, what you need to say is that you “try” to be outgoing and reliable.
One who is trying or striving to be a better person will get a lot more results than one who is too sure about themselves.
When writing about what you are looking for in a relationship, don’t get too complicated and write a big list about what you want or don’t want. This can put people off and close the door on a lot of those who may want to change their lifestyle to coincide with yours. There’s nothing wrong with stating that you prefer a non-smoker, just don’t get carried away with particulars.
And last but certainly not least, is the all important profile photo. A lot of folks don’t have access to camera’s or someone to take their picture. I believe it’s a fact that dating site profiles with photos have a lot more success than those without. You can have your picture taken with a passport photo machine that is usually present in Wal-Mart or the arcades in most malls. If your computer system lacks the ability to scan, most one-hour photo shops have the ability to scan photos and put them on a CD so you can upload it to the dating site you prefer.
Advices http://www.new-dating.com/search.php